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Senior Home Care: 5 Ways Extra Help Allows Your Senior to Recover After Surgery

Senior Home Care in Fairfax VA: After Surgery Care

Senior Home Care: After surgery, there can be a lot going on for your elderly family member.

Surgical procedures, even ones that are relatively minor, can take a lot out of your senior. Someone who was very independent may suddenly have a lot of needs for help. Bringing in extra help such as senior home care may be an excellent idea.

Encourage Her to Rest

Very often resting and not taking on too much herself is the best thing for your elderly family member to do after a surgery. That can be tough to do, though, especially if she lives alone. Senior care at home can assist her with meal preparation, tackling household chores, and simply making sure that she’s comfortable. That can go a long way toward helping her to stay off her feet.

Assist with Personal Care Tasks

Personal care is often extremely challenging after surgery. For your senior, this might be the first time that she’s faced big difficulties with these tasks, so it can feel intimidating to need help. Home care providers are able to assist without making your elderly family member feel uncomfortable about the help that she needs.

Watch for Warning Signs

A big part of recovering properly from surgery involves making sure that any issues are handled right away. Watching for warning signs of trouble is another way that caregivers can help your senior. They can alert you and your senior’s doctor immediately if they notice any signs of infection or other complications.

Offer Companionship

It can be lonely to recover from surgery. Senior care at home can offer a friendly face to your senior, keeping her company as she heals. This can be way more helpful for your senior than you or she realize, especially if she does live on her own.

Senior Home Care: Help with Respite Care

As your elderly family member’s caregiver, a situation like recovering from surgery can take a toll on you as well. Knowing that there’s someone there who can handle respite care for you is huge. It allows you to take a break and to recover so that you’re ready to help your elderly family member again when she needs you the most.

Talk to your senior’s surgeon afterward to make sure that you understand everything that you need to know about her recovery and what to be on the lookout for as she heals. That’s going to help you to feel more confident as her family caregiver.


Incredicare is a Trusted Senior Home Care in Fairfax, VA, serving Arlington, Alexandria, McLean, Reston, Burke, Ashburn, Centreville, Springfield, Oakton, and Woodbridge Virginia. And the surrounding areas. Call today to speak with our caring staff: (703) 272-8838


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