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Senior Care News

What Seniors Should Know About Pets and Hot Weather

Seniors and in-home care providers should take extra precautions to keep both themselves and their pets cool, comfortable, and safe in hot weather.
In-home care can help aging seniors and their pets stay cool in hot weather.

Seniors aren’t the only ones who need to be careful in hot weather. Seniors who have pets should take extra care with their furry friends when the weather is very hot. Imagine having a fur coat on when the temperatures soar. Seniors need to take extra precautions for their health in the hot weather, and they should take extra precautions for their furry friends, too, with the help of in-home care services.

Some of the things that seniors and in-home care providers should do to keep their pets cool, comfortable, and safe in hot weather are:


Don’t Leave Pets Outdoors In Extreme Weather

When the temperature is hot, animals shouldn’t be left outdoors. Seniors who have outdoor pets that don’t normally come into the house need to be given a cool, shady spot outdoors and free access to cold water around the clock.

But it’s better if animals are brought inside when the weather is warm. Dogs should never be left chained up or in a dog run that has no shade. If you’re hot, they’re hot. Bring them inside.


Don’t Leave Them In Cars Either

Animals should stay home when the weather is warm. Even if you usually bring your dog with you to run errands or go shopping, leave them at home when it’s hot out.

When the weather is warm, the temperature inside a car can climb into dangerous territory in minutes. Even if the windows are cracked, dogs can die from the heat very quickly.

Take an in-home care provider for company and help when running errands. Leave the dog at home.


Dogs Need Foot Protection When Walking Outdoors

Having the in-home care provider take the dog for a walk when it’s hot outside is also a good idea. Just make sure that the dog has little heat booties or shoes available.

It’s important for dogs to have foot protection when walking in the heat. The pavement is extremely hot. It can burn a dog’s paw pads and cause them a lot of pain. Burns can be serious injuries that can lead to infection and damage to paw nerves. Look for some adorable doggie sandals or booties; there are plenty of different styles to choose from.

Then, ensure the in-home care provider puts them on the dog before going for a walk.


Cooling Pads For Pets Can Help

It’s smart to have some cooling pads for pets that can be used in the summer pads. Cooling pads are gel pads that can be made cold by putting them in the refrigerator. Then, place them on a bed or a couch for your pet to lie on.

Some pets prefer to lay on the mats directly, especially when it’s warm. But other pets prefer it when the pad is used like a liner in their favorite bed. Either way it will help regulate your pet’s body temperature and keep them from getting dangerously hot.




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