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CarePros Monthly Training: Transfers

Monthly Training for CarePros: Transfers

IncrediCare ensures high-quality care by verifying CarePros’ skills through monthly training on various skills and diagnoses using practical scenarios.

Out in the Field with IncrediCare CarePros

CarePros can provide companionship in activities with clients like puzzles and games.

Bringing Joy One Snack At a Time! IncrediCare CarePros are expected to provide a safe, compassionate environment while providing companionship or personal care. Among the day to day care, small moments of joy are brought to clients’ lives in many different forms. Pictured below is Gail M. carefully being fed her favorite snack, Jell-o, by […]

Supporting Parkinson’s Clients At Home with IncrediCare Home Care Supporting Parkinson’s Clients At Home with IncrediCare Home Care Which patients would benefit from In-Home Care? Patients with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s whose progressive disease impacts their ability to complete ADLs Patients who struggle to complete self-feeding Patients who need supervision Patients who are fall risk and safety is a concern. Services Provided by […]

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